petek, 10. februar 2012

TV vikend: 10.02. - 12.02.2012

SLO 2, 10. 02. 201221:50 - 23:40

Meje razuma (The Limits of Control)

Pink SI, 11. 02. 201215:30 - 17:10

Tisti, ki ljubijo (A los que aman)

TV 3, 11. 02. 201220:00 - 22:20

Naklepni umor (Murder in the first)

SLO 1, 11. 02. 201221:00 - 22:35

OSS 117: Kairo, vohunsko gnezdo (OSS 117: Le Caire, nid d'Espions)

POP TV, 11. 02. 201223:25 - 01:45

Hudič v Emily Rose (The Exorcism Of Emily Rose)

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