sreda, 1. maj 2013

April 2013

7 días en La Habana (2012)
A young American boy is trying to break into the acting business, and goes to Cuba during a film festival. (129 mins.)

90 minutter (2012)
(88 mins.)
Story of three people with their own psychological issues and the last 90 minutes before somethings inhuman happens.
Director: Eva Sørhaug

Black Mirror (2011 Mini-Series)
"each episode has a different cast, a different setting, even a different reality. But they're all about the way we live now – and the way we might be living in 10 minutes' time if we're clumsy."

Broken City (2013)
In a city rife with injustice, ex-cop Billy Taggart seeks redemption and revenge after being double-crossed and then framed by its most powerful figure: Mayor Nicholas Hostetler. (109 mins.)
Director: Allen Hughes

Le capital (2012)
The head of a giant European investment bank desperately clings to power when an American hedge fund company tries to buy them out.
Director: Costa-Gavras
Infancia clandestina (2011)
Juan lives in clandestinity. Just like his mum, his dad and his adored uncle Beto, outside his home he has another name... (112 mins.)
Director: Benjamín Ávila

Sha sheng (2012)
The violent death of an unpopular village resident is initially blamed on an infectious disease, but an investigation shows that everybody in the village had a reason to murder him. (108 mins.)
Director: Hu Guan

Lemale et ha'halal (2012)
A devout 18-year-old Israeli is pressured to marry the husband of her late sister. Declaring her independence... (90 mins.)
Director: Rama Burshtein

Gangster Squad (2013)
Los Angeles, 1949: A secret crew of police officers led by two determined sergeants work together in an effort to take down the ruthless mob king Mickey Cohen who runs the city. (113 mins.)
Director: Ruben Fleischer

Great Expectations (2012)
A humble orphan suddenly becomes a gentleman with the help of an unknown benefactor. (128 mins.)
Director: Mike Newell

Un bonheur n'arrive jamais seul (2012)
Sacha Keller is only interested in one night stands with 20-somethings and has a phobia of children. That is until he meets Charlotte, the divorced mother-of-three and ex-wife of one his employer's powerful clients. (110 mins.)
Director: James Huth

Was bleibt (2012)
Marko is in his mid-thirties, has just published his first book, and has been living in Berlin since his university days... (85 mins.)

Som du ser meg (2012)
What happens to us when people stop acting like they're supposed to? A nurse gets into a dispute at... (118 mins.)

In the Flesh (2013 TV Series)
Four years after the Rising, the government starts to rehabilitate the Undead back into the society including teenager Kieren Walker, who returns home to his small Lancashire village to face a hostile reception as well as his own demons.

Inch'Allah (2012)
A Canadian doctor finds her sympathies sorely tested while working in the conflict ravaged Palestinian territories. (102 mins.)

Jack Reacher (2012)
A homicide investigator digs deeper into a case involving a trained military sniper who shot five random victims. (130 mins.)

Mama (2013)
Annabel and Lucas are faced with the challenge of raising his young nieces that were left alone in the forest for 5 years.... but how alone were they? (100 mins.)
Director: Andy Muschietti

Gwanghae, Wangyidoen namja (2012)
(131 mins.)
In order to avoid the constant threat of assassination, the tragic historic figure of King Gwang-hae orders his councilor HEO kyun to find him a double.
Director: Chang-min Choo

Gnade (2012)
(132 mins.)
The film is about a German couple and their teenage son who emigrate to the north of Norway
Director: Matthias Glasner

Offline (2012)
After seven years in prison, Rudy Vandekerckhove has set himself two clear objectives: get back to work as a washing machine repairman, and -- more importantly -- become reconciled with the family he had left behind.
Director: Peter Monsaert

38 témoins (2012)
A young woman is stabbed, sexually assaulted and murdered in public as her neighbors ignore her cries for help. (104 mins.)
Director: Lucas Belvaux

Insensibles (2012)
Set in Catalonia, Painless weaves two stories: in one, starting during the Spanish Civil War and running through to the '60s... (100 mins.)

Poklosie (2012)
A Polish man who returns home after the death of his father unearths a secret about the now-deceased Jewish residents of his village. (107 mins.)

Sanghaj (2012)
Lutvija Belmondo Mirga narrates a story about four generations. Belmondo is the central character of the film...
Director: Marko Nabersnik

The Comedy (2012)
Indifferent to the notion of inheriting his father's estate, a Williamsburg guy passes the time with his friends, playing games of mock sincerity and irreverence. (90 mins.)
Director: Rick Alverson

The Croods (2013)
After their cave is destroyed, a caveman family must trek through an unfamiliar fantastical world with the help of an inventive boy. (98 mins.)

The Last Stand (2013)
The leader of a drug cartel busts out of a courthouse and speeds to the Mexican border, where the only thing in his path is a sheriff and his inexperienced staff. (107 mins.)
Director: Jee-woon Kim

Le fils de l'autre (2012)
Two young men, one Israeli and one Palestinian, discover they were accidentally switched at birth. (105 mins.)
Director: Lorraine Levy

Venuto al mondo (2012)
A single mother brings her teenage son to Sarajevo, where his father died in the Bosnian conflict years ago. (127 mins.)

Une nuit (2012)
(100 mins.)
The Paris-set film follows a corrupt cop and his rookie femme partner as they go around the city's seedier after hours joints
Director: Philippe Lefebvre

Utopia (2013 TV Series)
Utopia will follow a group of people who find themselves in possession of a manuscript of a cult graphic novel...

Vinopiri: Krvni davek (2012)
Eva's confrontation with the corrupt winemakers' elite, which controls the whole town in conspiracy with mysterious winepires. (90 mins.)
Director: Vitomir Kaucic

Welcome to the Punch (2013)
Ex-criminal Jacob Sternwood is forced to return to London when his son is involved in a heist gone wrong. This gives his nemesis, detective Max Lewinsky, one last chance to catch the man he's always been after. (99 mins.)
Director: Eran Creevy

From beyond the grave, celebrated playwright Antoine d'Anthac gathers together all his friends who have... (115 mins.)
Director: Alain Resnais


5 komentarjev:

  1. Opomba št. 1)

    Za ogled priporočam:

    - Gnade. Eden mojih najbolj pričakovanih filmov se je izkazal za vsebinsko šibkejšega, vendar odlično režiranega ter čudovito fotografiranega – k temu je pripomogla tudi temačno ledena pokrajina Norveške. Vsekakor pa Glasner ostaja moj trenutno najljubši nemški režiser. Ogled priporočam v paketu z Glasnerovima prejšnjima filmoma Der freie Wille in This is Love.

    - Le fils de l'autre. Že po defaultu nerodna zadeva je tokrat prestavljena na mesto, kjer ob zamenjavi dojenčka ob rojstvu naenkrat ne pripadaš več isti veri, istemu narodu, isti strani … Kliše za soap opero, ki pa se spretno izogne patetiki.

    - Venuto al mondo. Ta se je skoraj ustavil pri oceni 7. Namreč, redki so filmi, ki me uspejo prepričati s koncem (ki je v mnogih primerih seveda le sredstvo za manipuliranje), še bolj pa so redki filmi, ki končnega »twista« niti ne nakazujejo, pa te potem vseeno šokirajo. Sliši se morda čudno, ampak prav vsakemu filmu dam končno oceno že po desetih minutah ogleda – in ta končna ocena v 95% drži. V tej ljubezenski zgodbi med vojno, so se mi marsikatere reči zdele nejasne, premalo dodelane, celo površne … še dobro, da obstaja tistih 5%.

    - 38 témoins. Psihološka drama po francosko! Odlični Yvan Attal, ki me je prepričal že v Belvauxovem prejšnjem filmu Rapt, je tokrat mornar (Le Havre (mesto s svojim čarom, in ne Kaurismäkijev film) vas pozdravlja) z občutkom krivde.

    - Som du ser meg. Tri različne zgodbe treh različnih (a po svoje si zelo podobnih) žensk. Težko bi izbral favorita med temi tremi zgodbami, vsekakor pa so veliko bolj dodelane kot v 90 minutter (žal, Goodfella)

    - The Comedy. Sundance 2012. Le pogojno, kajti »komedija« v tej vulgarni bizarki, je na čisto drugem nivoju. Tim Heidecker novi kralj holivudskih komedij?

    Opomba št. 2)

    Resnaisov najnovejši Vous n'avez encore rien vu sem gledal le do polovice, zato mu ne morem prisoditi končne ocene. No, saj veste kako je … dovolj je že 10 minut ali kako?
    V sklepnem delu trilogije prleške vampirke Vinopiri: krvni davek, bi bila moja ocena premalo objektivna, vsekakor pa vse pohvale kolegu Vitomirju Kaučiču. Podprite projekt, ko se bo krvni davek pobiral v vašem mestu.

    Opomba št. 3)

    Po dolgih letih mučenja s serijami, sem se odločil za novo taktiko. Iz Amerike se preklopil na Anglijo in glej ga: serije so postale zelo gledljive. Vsekakor priporočam Black Mirror, ki ima do sedaj le šest delov – skupna jim je le distopična bližnja prihodnost, vse ostalo je« jovo na novo«.
    Ideje glede zombijev še vedno ostajajo odprte. Dokaz za to je In the Flesh, ki se na srečo lahko pohvali le s tremi deli. Stara zgodba: sveže ideje so počasi začele upadati, vsaka nova sezona pa bo le žebelj v krsto imenovano "nikoli ne bom kulten". Ljubitelji kompleksnejših (beri: razvlečenih) zgodba bodo tako na svoj račun prišli z Utopio. Barvita teorija zarot z barvitejšimi liki, začne s časom le pridobivati na času oz. nabijati z alibijem za nove dele. Sedaj se spopadam še z avstralskim The Top of Lake in nemškim Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter. Glede na tekočo stanje bom bitko izgubil ...

    Opomba št. 4)

    Med vsemi visoko-proračunskimi akcijoneri (The Last Stand, Jack Reacher, Broken City, Mama, Gangsters Squad – vsi ocena 6) me je še najbolj prepričal Cruisov izdelek.

  2. Hehe, ravno razmišljam o tem, da bi te moral vprašati filme od katere ocene višje priporočaš pa vidim komentar :)

  3. :) za osnovno informacijo dam pod vsakim filmom tudi oceno, ki je moja in ne od imdb-ja (zaradi tega tudi prilepim seznam sem, ker ocene na moji imdb listi ne bi mogli videti, razen, če se registriraš pod mojim imenom.) Bom pa od zdaj naprej tudi komentiral oz. priporočil tiste najbolj prepričljive v tekočem mesecu. Vsakega prvega v mesecu torej ...
    p.s. na posamezen mesec lepim le najnovejše filme, aktualne na ... khm, saj veste kje ...
    Ta mesec sem bil bolj v "vojnem stanju" oz. na starih filmih z WW2 tematiko.

  4. Black Mirror sem videl le prve tri dele (1.sezona) in mi je bil super.
    Sam že malo pozabil, da so zunaj nove epizode.
    S The Top of Lake začnem prihodnji teden (epizoda na dan, ravno prav za zaključek dneva, tam okrog polnoči), me prav zanima, kaj je sčarala Jane Campion.
    Fill the Void in Inch'Allah sta delovala kar obetavno, a vidim, da ju ne ceniš preveč.
    Welcome to the Punch mi je tako kot tebi bil zanič, Le capital enako slab.
    Šanghaj in Mama cenim podobno kot ti, Venuto al mondo pa sem zaradi povprečnih oziroma slabih kritik nameraval spustiti (zdaj ga bom vseeno videl, čeprav je del magije izpuhtel s spoznanjem , da me čaka twist :) )
    Som du ser meg me še čaka...
    90 minut po tvoji lestvici ocenim 7,5. Film spominja na video-kolaž časopisne črne kronike, posnet brez ozadja, poglabljanja in razlag. Zdi se mi dobro posnet in režiran, še bolj pomembno je to, da me ni dolgočasil.
    Gnade - hvala za priporočilo, brez tvoje omembe bi ga verjetno spustil.

  5. Druga sezona Black Mirrorja je nekoliko slabša. Top of Lake mi po dveh delih diši po tipični seriji, ki se jo navadiš šele po četrtem ali petem delu. Priporočam ti raje In the Flesh - le prvi del bo že dovolj.
    Ti kratki filmi v filmu (90 minutter) imajo težavo s celoto. Če bi npr. dodali še četrti del (npr. na silo), se tega sploh ne bi zavedali oz. če bi ena zgodba manjkala jo sploh ne bi pogrešali. Prav tako me je motilo nedodelanost likov. V primerjavi z Som du ser meg, ki sem ga gledal nekaj dni pred 90 minut, so se mi liki zdeli nezanimivi, njihova usoda pa me ni ganila (vseeno mi je bilo, ko je preživela blondina in ne nasilnež). Namen ustvarjalcev - šokirati - je bil preveč cenen, predvsem pa predvidljiv. Se pa strinjam z "video-kolažem časopisne črne kronike" ter celotno distanco in zaradi tega je tudi pozitivna ocena.
